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Important Notice Regarding Collection Letters

2/10/2025 4:48:48 PM

Legacy Southwest Property Management would like to inform you that collection letters generated between February 4 and February 5 contained formatting errors, including a very small font size and missing balance details. This issue has been identified, and corrected collection letters have now been generated. Click Full Story for more information.

Legacy Southwest Property Management would like to inform you that collection letters generated between February 4 and February 5 contained formatting errors, including a very small font size and missing balance details. This issue has been identified, and corrected collection letters have now been generated.

If you received a collection letter during this timeframe, please disregard it. A new, collection letter will be sent to you in the coming days.

For questions regarding your account or to set up a payment plan, please contact one of the following to discuss your account further:

To make a payment please visit the online portal at If you have not registered for the payment portal, you will need to do this first and allow up to 24 hours for approval.

Note: This email has been sent to all homeowners. If you have already made your payments and do not have a balance due, please disregard this message.

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused and appreciate your understanding.

Highbridge HOA

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